Soul Searching: Who Are You Really?

Discovering the Intangible You

And The 7 Beginning Steps to Soul-Searching

H. Sajidah Kazmi MBA, MA

Have You Ever Wondered Who You Really Are?

You have a body, but are you your body? You have a personality, but are you your personality? You have emotions, but are you your bag of emotions, your emotional self? You have a mind, but are you your intellect, memories, and experiences?

You have a social self and you are well socialized, able to adapt to many social situations behind your various faces and personas, but are you those faces and personas?

And what about your soul? Do you know about the complexities and capabilities of your soul? Have you thought about developing and refining these amazing abilities?

Have you noticed how much of you and your real being is intangible?

And Then Ask Yourself:

Have you been searching for the deeper meaning of life?

Have you yearned to connect to something greater, something full of awe and wonder, something indefinable, indescribable, something that brings clarity, certainty, inspiration, and love into your life, something intangible and perhaps even divine, something that will show you the purpose of lif

If The Answers Are, ‘Yes’. . .

Then, your soul-searching has begun!

Perhaps it began recently, perhaps long ago, but you are on the way.

So, what do you do now?

The writings and postings throughout this website are designed to help you, to guide you, and give you direction selected for you from proven teachings to move you forward along your soul-searching journey and beyond.

But What Is Beyond?

Soul-searching begins with a desire to know yourself; your personality, thoughts, emotions, actions, reactions, beliefs, misconceptions, etc.; and to understand and know your own soul.

If you accept the challenge to learn about yourself, to keep your awareness open, and to keep your desire to know yourself upfront, you will achieve.

And then, you may eventually decide to take the next step and take the first steps of your own spiritual journey, your own spiritual quest.

But the first half of any spiritual journey is about knowing yourself, knowing your soul, knowing the gifts and unknown abilities that you have been blessed with.

Then, the second half of any spiritual journey is all about understanding and connecting with That which is ‘greater, indefinable, indescribable’, full of awe and wonder, the numinous, the Divine in everything, the divine in oneself, God, Allah, The Creator of All That Is, The Vast Intelligence, Ultimate Love.

So, Where Do You Begin?

All humans share a primordial desire for self-realization.

We struggle to mature, explore, search, change, adapt, and grow; learning all the while from the outer world and the people around us.

But sooner or later in our lives, many of us turn our attention away from the less-than-satisfying material world and the expectations of others towards discovering our inner complexities, gifts, and our relationships with that which is greater than ourselves.

If we are fortunate, we find the guidance we need to do this. ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear’.

Why Do We Need a Guide?

It’s because we can’t teach ourselves what we don’t know.

A proper guide will know the spiritual terrain and the pitfalls you might encounter, and they can direct you to explore the intricacies and depths of your soul. The best and most gifted guides recognize that ‘the truly profound spiritual teachings cannot be written and cannot be taught. They can only be poured into, transmitted through, and understood by the heart’.

Pray that you find a good teacher, one who embodies all that you want to learn, one who is morally impeccable, and one who has successfully travelled the spiritual road far ahead of you.


The 7 Beginning Steps to Soul Searching.

1. Accept the challenge of soul-searching. That is the first step, and it is a great gift that you are giving yourself and the world.

2. Begin by noticing and becoming aware of your inner life, your inner self: your feelings, thoughts, words, actions, and reactions. No matter what the distractions around you, observe inside yourself, your intangible self. This is a good time to learn about mindfulness to help you calm down and focus as you move through your day and night.

3. Spend time every day in self-reflection and contemplation in silence, in solitude, even if just for a few moments. This is a good time to learn about meditation to help you calm down, center, and concentrate your focus.

4. Keep a journal of your thoughts and feelings (download a free copy of the ‘Personal Soul-Searching Journal’ below). Observe and write down what makes you act and react? What makes you think and feel in certain ways about certain things? What pushes your buttons, and why? Keep the questions in the Personal Soul-Searching Journal in your mind as you move throughout your day and night (a recording of these questions will be forthcoming to listen to as you work, commute or relax - please subscribe for notification of when this is posted

5. Notice your outer world. You may see lessons everywhere you look. Synchronicities and coincidences pop up in front of you, showing you and teaching you what you need at the moment. Notice these moments and notice how ‘The Great Arranger’ opens doors for you, pushes you, and tests you. Some of these occurrences will make you smile in recognition. Be grateful for each one.

6. Some of these tests will seem hard, maybe even harsh. They may even feel impossible. But ‘no one is given a burden greater than they can bear’. If you stay on the good path, you will gain something beneficial, something may be cleared away from inside you, and something new may be instilled within you that will strengthen you, deepen you, and over time, make you shine.

7. For the last of these beginning steps, listen to your heart and not to your ego (jealousy, pride, arrogance, bodily passions, desires, selfishness, greed, impatience, anger, etc.). Your heart will help you realize what is good and true. Your heart will sing when you find the people and the teachings that are good and true.


On this website, our wish is to advise you, guide you, and care for your heart and soul. We hope that these teachings, as they are revealed within this site, will do just that.

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You may download your free copy of the ‘Personal Soul-Searching Journal’ by clicking the download button below. And feel free to leave any comments about this blog below.

Very Sincerely,

H. Sajidah Kazmi

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