“A river of joy runs from you to God and back again.”
— H.S Kazmi
“Divine experiences and Divine knowledges are worth more than all the worldly experiences and knowledges combined.”
— H.S Kazmi
“Humans are meant to struggle between good and evil, good and better, better and best.”
— H.S Kazmi
“If you do not understand yourself, how can you ever understand others?”
— H.S Kazmi
“Peace calms the lowest levels of the Soul, but Goodness exalts the highest levels of the Soul. Strive for peace and goodness.”
— H.S Kazmi
“You do not become whatever you want to be, but whatever you spend your time becoming.”
— H.S Kazmi
“Whatever darkness you remove from your heart makes room for more light.”
— H.S Kazmi
“Why are you here on earth? To have love for others, To have mercy for others, To understand your Divine Nature, And to dwell in awe of the Divine Presence.”
— H.S Kazmi
“Praiseworthy intentions, feelings, thoughts, words, and actions create your stairway towards the Divine, step-by-step.”