Other Things to Do.

We will begin the retreat by learning about ourselves. You may want to begin journaling about yourself now. After all, we are a very complicated beings, and it takes time to contemplate, reflect, and reveal to ourselves the many layers that we have.

You may also want to take an MBTI (Myers-Briggs) personality test if you have not already done so. The test is free on www.16Personalities.com. Take the test, learn about your personality, watch YouTube videos about your personality type, and see if the test results ring true for you. It is one more step to understanding yourself.

Next, on a piece of paper on the left-hand side, write down who you are today using as many descriptors as you like. On the right-hand side of the page, write down who you want to become. This does not need to be professionally, but it might. Think about the kind of person you want to become. Then, along the bottom, write down some ways you can think of to become who you want to be.

These will all point you in the direction of beginning to know yourself.