Terms and Conditions

We welcome you with open arms, and we hope to make your retreat experience as smooth as possible.

For this we will need your help. There are a few things we must make you aware of and ask you to agree with before the event:

We have made every effort to keep the fees for this event as low as possible while still providing a warm and inviting experience.

The total retreat fee is £995.00 for 6 nights accommodation and 6 catered meals per weekend over three weekends (13-15 Sept., 3-4 October., 22-14 Nov. 2024). Please see below for an Early Bird Discount.

This is a progressive series of weekends, each one building upon the previous one. Therefore, it is not recommended to miss one and there is no reduction in fees for missing one.

Arrival and Departure:

The starting time for the weekend is very important. Dinner will be individually served at 6:00pm sharp each Friday. There is no flexibility. So if you are not here, we will not be able to serve you any dinner. You may check-in from 4:00pm, but not earlier, as the previous group will be leaving.

At approximately 7:30pm, the evening session will begin and it will be very disruptive to the ceremony or meditation or whatever event is scheduled for you to arrive at that time.

So, please make every effort to leave your home/work early and arrive between 4:00pm to 6:00pm each Friday, making allowances for Friday evening traffic.

On Sundays, lunch will be served at 12:00noon and check-out will be between 1:00pm and 2:00pm. We must have vacated the clean building by 2:00pm. Please clean your room and help with the common areas before you leave. Thank you.

How to Register:

Please fill out the registration form on this website. You may pay by BACS transfer or by credit/debit card.

A non-refundable deposit of £295.00 is due on or before 1 August to secure your place.The remaining £700.00 is due on or before 10 August 2024. This is non-refundable after 10 August 2024.

If you missed the 1 August deposit deadline, the amount due to secure your place is £995.00. £295.00 is non-refundable at that time. After 10 August, the entire £995.00 is non-refundable.

There is an Early Bird Discount if you pay the entire non-refundable amount before 1 August 2024. This Early Bird fee is £975.00. After 1 August the Early Bird fee is no longer available.

Your Responsibilites:

  1. You are responsible for your own travel to and from the retreat location. A Whatsapp group will be organised so people can make their own travel arrangements with others especially from London.

  2. The retreat is open to participants 18 years and older. Written permission from H Sajidah Kazmi will be needed for all children attending. Children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times. Children must show an interest in the subject matter and will be expected to participate in the lectures and group sessions.

  3. This is an event for open-hearted participation, caring and sharing, to pitch in to help when needed, and to find new ways of participating.

  4. Participants are expected to fully participate and follow the schedule and guidelines of the retreat organizers.

  5. There will be a room used as a prayer room. Everyone is invited to pray, to learn how to pray in community, or to pray in their own way at any time. But we do ask that you do not wear shoes in the prayer room. You might want to wear warm socks.

    Technology-Free Weekend:

  6. This will be a technology-free weekend, allowing everyone to take a break and connect with who they are without screens. You are, of course, allowed to bring a smartphone, but you will be asked to either turn it off and keep it among your belongings for the weekend, or turn it off and ceremoniously deposit it with its charging cable in the ‘technology-free’ box on Friday evening.

  7. On Sunday after the morning session, your phone will be returned to you to confirm travel arrangements and take photos of new friends.

  8. It is highly recommended that you make return travel arrangements before you arrive at the retreat centre for the weekend as the phone coverage and WiFi is very sporadic in the woodlands.

  9. A low-tech phone number will be made available to participants after you register. This is an emergency number only. Please tell whoever you give the number to that this phone number will ring in the group sessions and others will be able to hear your conversation. It is only for emergencies.


  10. We will cater for food allergies. You must let us know in writing of any food allergies. Send an email to sajidah@sajidahkazmi.com at least three weeks before the first weekend.

  11. All food will be halal. We will make every effort to accommodate other food preferences (gluten-free, low carb).

  12. If you have specific food preferences, you must send an email to sajidah@sajidahkazmi.com advising us of your food preferences at least three weeks before the first weekend.

  13. Unless it is medically necessary, however, please be advised that it may not always be possible to provide for your preferences. All meals are catered into this remote retreat location and it may happen that we might run out of certain dishes if there is a high demand. We will make every effortYou may bring personal snacks or back-up food if you like, but please note that refrigerator and storage space is limited. Thank you for understanding.

    Again, if you have food preferences that are important to you, please send an email to sajidah@sajidahkazmi.com three weeks in advance.

    Staying Safe:

  14. If you have any physical or mental health issues that might cause an emergency situation to you or someone else, please consider not coming to the retreat.

  15. The retreat is located in the Norfolk woodlands and emergency services are not near the retreat centre. Please keep this in mind as you keep yourself safe over the weekend.

  16. You will be responsible for your own medical needs and requirements. Please bring all your medications with you.

  17. If you are arriving with a manageable medical condition that we need to know about, please inform us in writing at sajidah@sajidahkazmi.com before you arrive.

  18. You are responsible for keeping yourself safe both inside the centre and outdoors in the woodlands. Please do not put yourself in dangerous situations.

  19. A First Aid Kit will be provided at the retreat centre. Make yourself aware of its location when you arrive. Please bring your own pain medication if you think you will need it.

  20. The retreat centre is all on one floor and we have been informed that it is accessible to those with limited physical abilities. Please let us know if you will need accessible sleeping arrangements.

  21. We have not hired the outdoor adventure sports facilities at the retreat centre, so they are not available for our use.


  22. No alchohol, recreational drugs, smoking, vaping, or intoxicants of any kind will be allowed on the premises.

  23. Please do not bring pets.

  24. Please leave musical instruments at home. Thank you.


  25. H. Sajidah Kazmi is not liable for any loss, damage, injury, or illness arising from the retreat or any activites related to it. We will endeavour to keep you safe in this remote woodlands location. Please be mindful and keep yourself safe, too.

  26. Participants are responsible for their own belongings during the retreat.

  27. It is the sole responsibility of the participants to purchase full and adequate medical, personal injury, travel, and/or holiday insurance for the duration of the retreat weekends.

  28. H Sajidah Kazmi and the retreat organizers are not liable under the circumstances of natural disaster, war, pandemic, failure of the venue, or other situations that are beyond our control. We will, however, do our best to sort out problems depending upon the scale of the situation.

    Other Responsibilities:

  29. Be advised that there will be people of varying degrees of sensitivities, so please wear modest clothing (arms and legs covered) at all times. Thank you.

  30. Please bring a towel, personal soap and shampoo. If you are sound and light sensitive, please bring ear plugs and eye shades. Please see the packing list in

  31. No additional night stays are possible.

  32. There will be no refunds for missed nights.

  33. You agree here that when you receive the Thorpe Woodlands Adventure Centre Customer Welcome Pack after your registration that you will read it and abide by it.

    Copyrights and Permissions:

  34. All materials or content provided during the retreat and/or the Taster Sessions, including but not limited to workshops, lectures, guided meditations, handouts, and audiovisuals are the intellectual property of H Sajidah Kazmi. Participants are not allowed to reproduce, distribute, or use these materials for commercial purposes without prior written consent.

  35. H. Sajidah Kazmi and/or her team will take videos of her lectures and teachings, and will take photos during the weekend. We will protect your privacy in all roup discussions/exercises. If there is any personally sensitive information in them, we will erase them or we will stop recording.

  36. If the photos and videos are not personally sensitive, Sajidah will ask for your permission before they are used on her website to show others about future events and retreats.

  37. H. Sajidah Kazmi reserves all copyright for all recordings of her lessons, lectures, teachings or other events during the retreat.

    Data Storage Permission:

  38. You give you permission for H. Sajidah Kazmi and MailChimp to store the information from your registration form and to use it to contact you when necessary. We will never sell your information or share it with other companies.