What to Expect.

On each of the three weekends, we will gather at the Thorpe Woodlands Adventure Centre on Friday afternoons after 4:00pm (after the school groups have left) to check in and get settled.

At 6:00pm sharp we will enjoy a served catered dinner together. And about 7:30pm, we will gather for an evening session that will set the tone for our weekend.

The next morning we will have a catered breakfast and then begin our first morning session.

There will be sessions throughout the day and evening that will include multiple teachings and lectures, time for reflection and journaling, ceremony, and time to work on personal issues alone.

For those who would like to join the five daily prayers, we have a prayer room for that. Please bring a prayer mat if you like. And please remove shoes before entering the prayer room.

Tea breaks and catered meals will provide sustenance and comfort.

On Sunday, we will have morning sessions, lunch at noon, and check-out before 2:00pm.

We have made every effort to keep the cost as low as possible. The fee of £995.00 is for all three weekends, 6 nights of accommodation in total and 6 catered meals per weekend. An Early Bird Discount is available.

Please see the registration form for ways to pay.

If you would like to explore shared transportation options from London, please let us know on the sign-up form.