Podcast - Special Episode: What Is Greater Than Love?

MasterClass for the Soul

This will make you smile. It is a special radio interview of Maulana Zainulabedin Kazmi, a very high and holy Sufi Saint, and his spiritual partner and wife, H. Sajidah Kazmi, from 1999 by Wisdom Radio hosts, Judith Sherven, PhD, and Jim Sniekowski, PhD. Maulana presents a transcendent perspective on love in a compassionate and beautifully humorous way. This interview marked the beginning of Maulana and Sajidah's indepth work with hundreds of thousands of people in the USA and the world covering 14 years of extensive travels. This is an interview that will put you in a good mood and make you smile—and every time you listen, you'll hear something new. Enjoy.


Podcast - Special Episode: Zikr led by Maulana Zainulabedin Kazmi with Others