Podcast - Special Episode: Zikr led by Maulana Zainulabedin Kazmi with Others

Maulana Zainulabedin Kazmi, leads a sufi zikr, a chanting ceremony for the remembrance of God. Please play this recording on infinite loop in your home for continual blessings and to clear away negativity, or play it once a week and sit down alone or with friends and chant along as much as you can. It is best with the lights turned off for your spiritual privacy in a group. If you can chant along with it, close your eyes, concentrate to your heart, and you will feel that your heart is slowly, slowly melting as it connects you to the Divine and clears away blockages and negativity from you and your environment. This zikr asks for all kinds of blessings and goodness to come to you. This ceremony is a blessing of the highest order.

Presented to you by H. Sajidah Kazmi


Podcast - Special Episode: What Is Greater Than Love?